Wednesday, January 22, 2014

If you care about your children, read this.

Okay, kids, it's time I told you all something:

I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

I mean, I know that I want to be happy and make other people happy, I know I want to get married and raise a family, I know I never want to lose the friends I have, and I know I want to eventually get a Wikipedia page made about me.

But here's the thing: there are SO MANY ways to accomplish that stuff, yet sometimes it seems like I have zero options, nowhere to go, and I'm gonna be eternally stuck in this state of confusion and undecidedness. Wait. Indecision.
I am a firm believer in the idea that you should never pursue a career that you do not love. So. What is there? Of course I have to make money, so I can't drop everything and live in the mountains of Norway like I want so very badly to do. And of course I'm going to have to go through some college somewhere at which they make you write a billion semi-useless papers and read a billion pages of things, most of which you will have forgotten the day after the final (and sometimes before).
Don't get me wrong, I like BYU. But sometimes I just sit back and wonder what the heck I am doing here. And then I tell myself to just keep on truckin' along, and eventually I'll figure it out. Well, I think it's safe to say that after a year and a half here, I'm still just truckin', and it's making me nervous. Any advice?

On a slightly different note, I have a few things to say about America's education system.
Somebody somewhere said that of all the years of grade and secondary schooling you receive, inevitably the amount you retain could take approximately five minutes to recite. AHHHHH. What in tarnation are we doing in those schools?? Those poor children spend 12+ years in an institution that is eventually only good for a measly five minutes of their memories?? Something needs to change.

I've been seeing a lot of cool articles about Finland's schools. Finland has the most successful education system in the world, people. Why? Because the freaking government actually CARES about their schools. The teachers are paid as much as doctors, kids of every grade get hour long breaks, standardized testing is virtually nonexistent, and college is free. FREE. And guess what. America does the exact the opposite of all those things. Hmmmm....
In all reality, I just want to go to DC and walk up to all those politicians, knock them on their messed up heads, and tell them to get with the program. Actually, don't get with the program. Flipping CHANGE the program. I'd beg them on bended knee.
We need to enjoy school. We need to be in the best possible situation to learn. That's the only way we're gonna be able to get some better results.

So I guess that's what I'm passionate about, guys. Sorry if you got bored. The beautiful thing is this is my zone and I don't have to care about that kind of thing.

Oh and Happy New Year and stuff. Maybe this is the year I figure out my major. :) Y'all are great.
