Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Okay, yeah. I blogged about Frozen. Whatever.

I know I'm a little bit late to the party, but last week was my first time ever watching Frozen. I've seen it 3 times since then (not entirely by choice), and while I do agree that it is a good movie, it definitely got more hype (before and after the release) than it deserved.

But there is this one scene that for some reason has become one of my favorite scenes in all of cinematic history. I don't fully know why, it just gets me. It's the one where Kristoff takes Anna and Olaf to meet his "family," and they sing that delightful song "Fixer Upper" in an effort to get Anna to fall in love with Kristoff. I LOVE that song! So much! It made the movie for me.

We aren't saying you can change him
'Cause people don't really change
We're only saying that love's a force that's powerful and strange
People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed
But throw a little love their way, and you'll bring out their best
True love brings out the best

You guuuuyyyys. This is pure genius. He (in my situation-- yours could be a she) is not going to be a prince. He might talk about picking his nose (omg ew), and he might have "unmanly blond hair" (impossible) or be a grouch sometimes, but you can't force someone to change those kinds of things. You can only love them despite their faults, because it's only then that you're going to truly discover their beautiful side. Everyone has one. And this doesn't just apply to the gushy romance kind of love. It's the same with all of the people who surround you. Any kind of love takes time. If you judge too quickly, you're booting people out of your life that might have had something really awesome to show you.

Love is hard. Oh my gosh, sometimes it seems freaking impossible to love some people. But the more you try, the more you're going to get out of it. It's a fact.

Proven by me.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

You is kind. You is smart. You is important.

Listen, if there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that there is always gonna be someone better than you. Unless you're the smartest, strongest, most talented AND most attractive person in the world (and no one is), you will always find a reason to feel bad about yourself if you look for one. So don't even look.

I had a 5 minute personality crisis the other day where I got really depressed because I couldn't think of a single thing that made me different from millions of other people in the world. Yeah I'm tall, but tons of other people are too. Maybe I'm kind, but other people are a whole lot kinder. My body is nothing special. I'm not dazzlingly gorgeous. I'm a pretty good singer, but I'm nowhere near 60-years-ago-Julie-Andrews good. What's the point of wearing nice clothes or doing my hair if I'm still gonna be like everybody else?

But then I thought, wait. Remember in elementary school math where we learned about combinations? Like, "If Geoffrey has 5 shirts and 7 pairs of pants, how many different combinations of outfits can he make?" Guess what, you guys. We are each a metaphorical outfit in Geoffrey's wardrobe, except instead of just shirts and pants, in reality Geoffrey has hundreds of different types and aspects of clothing that each can be combined with hundreds of other things, allowing a nearly infinite amount of unique outfits to be created. I'm a little bit of nice and a little bit of a lot of other stuff, which makes me very much my own person. And I have friends because some people just happen to like that specific combination of ingredients that make me me.

My point is, we are all pretty cool people. Like honestly, that's the only thing I wanted to say. Haha guys. Life is good. If you're in the dumps, you gotta know that it gets better. It'll always get better. Don't run away from the people that care. They're there for a reason.