Thursday, April 10, 2014


"We were caught up and lost in all of our vices. Many days fell away with nothing to show. And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we loved." - Bastille, Pompeii

Okay. Get your deep thinking caps on. I saw the movie Pompeii the other day and while it veritably sucked, it had a little theme in it that got me good.

Pompeii was a real thing. A whole city was just living their lives when the volcano Vesuvius erupted and ended their world. They literally didn't know what hit them. The thing that struck me while watching the movie was that the volcano didn't choose who it was gonna burn to a crisp; whatever you were doing with your life at that time was it. No second chances.

Each one of us has a Vesuvius. We were born, and at some point, something is going to kill us. When and where, we cannot know. The human tendency is to ignore this blatant fact of our mortality and live our lives as if we are invincible. There's always tomorrow, we say. I'll make amends later, we reason. I've got time. The fact is, people, we don't have the luxury of assuming we have time. Every day is a tickety time bomb that for some of us is set to blow this very night.

This inevitability of death is why some of us go a little crazy. Everywhere, you see examples of people saying, "Well we're all gonna die anyway, so who cares if we do terrible things? I mean, YOLO, right?" Ugh. You guys. I don't care if you believe in life after death or not, there is no reason to not try to be the best person you can be every single day.

If you do think that there's nothing after we die, then that must make this life pretty dang precious, don't you think? Why would you try to shorten it by destroying your body with drugs and alcohol and reckless behavior? As well, what will you gain by being mean to other people? The only thing left of you after you die is your legacy. Make it a good one, for crying out loud. Do you want to be remembered as "That jerk who cut me off in traffic and gave me the finger"? For the stupid minority that say yes, knock yourself out. Like, literally. Do us a favor. For those who say no, what are you gonna do about it? You could die tomorrow. Make sure your life wasn't lived in vain.

For those who believe in life after death, I'm guessing you also believe in some sort of Creator, right? God(s)? In that case, I feel like I don't really have to explain why you'd want to be a good person. If you're not, you're gonna get in front of the Maker at judgement day and have a lot of regrets that are gonna stay with you for eternity. That's just the gospel truth.

So where will you be when Vesuvius erupts? Will you be ready? Or will you be the person that says, "If only I had more time"? Since we don't know which day the world will decide to kick us out, we need to assume that every day is our last. Don't hold that grudge for another second. Maybe don't drive that car after you've been drinking. Call your mom and tell her you love her if that's something she might not know. Because sooner or later, that movie Pompeii (as wretched as it was) is going to become your reality.

Are you prepared?

1 comment:

  1. Rina, first of all, I didn't know you were that articulate! I should have known better! Ed's children are all articulate! Second, well, I simply am impressed on how you took a cheesy movie, based on a true story, and applied it to life. Who would have thought we all have Vesuviuses in our lives! that is like saying we have Goliaths in our lives. I like that! very creative. You put a lot of thought into what you wanted to say and have people read! I am not sure, though, the comment made about people who are non-believers is appropriate. That comment saying, "The stupid minority that say yes, knock yourself out. Like, literally. Do us a favor." Maybe you should leave that comment out. Just think how that may come across to some people who may read that. Anyway, pretty awesome thought! (I am not sure I expressed myself very well.)
