Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Greetings from Mormontown

Welp. I know what you all are thinking... there goes another foolish youngin trying to get more attention... but really, I'm doing this for you. This is something for people to read when they're bored out of their minds and  have nothing else to do. I hope that maybe I can provide some source of entertainment to the desperate soul, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high if I were you.

Okay, okay, I might have lied there a little bit. This isn't just for you. It's also a good excuse for me to put off doing homework and other responsible, adult-ish things that I so detest. I still can't believe I'm actually at college and expected to take care of myself. Aging is a funny thing, you know? It happens so gradually, you don't even notice you're different. I feel like I think the exact same way as I did when I was 8 years old, but I know that's not true (you can keep your doubts about that to yourself).

So anyway. ahm in that ther kollej now, ma! ain't yuh prowd a me?? Here's the thing about college: You STILL have to do things you don't like, just because the world expects you to. SURPRISE! Life is just great that way. I've thought a lot about the education system and how much it sucks for certain types of people, actually. But that is a rant that I don't want to get into just yet.

Welllll I think that's it for starters. And I just realized that this is a kind of negative, sarcastic post, which might not be the best thing for my first time posting, but y'all will just have to deal with that.

I do love life, and I love my friends and family and food. In closing, I'd just like to leave you with a little phrase my high school band teacher used to say:
"No one ever really becomes mature; they just learn how to act in public."

Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Lace. And avoiding responsibility doesn't end after kollej.
