Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Life's lemons

Holy crap, our whole apartment has been super emotional recently. It's like fate decided to ruin all our happiness at the same time... that's one reason that I'd be totally fine being married now. No more roommate drama or having your heart crushed by men that don't like you back. I suppose marriage comes with its own problems, too. But still. Sometimes life sucks and the only thing you can do is curl up with junk food and a chick flick and wish your love life was as perfect as it is in the movies.

My life is amazing, don't get me wrong. It could be so, so much worse, and I am incredibly grateful that I have been blessed with the life I have. But aren't I allowed to get a little blue every once in a while? I think that showing a true range of emotions is good for the soul. I mean, why should I act happy all the time if that's not really how I feel all the time? Sometimes I just need to have a pity party, okay. Deal with it. Because if the guy I've liked for a while decides to chase after some other girl, I'm gonna react, and that's that. I'm not ashamed of my feelings. Being sad about things is not a weakness, you guys! It shows that you actually care about something. At least that's what I think. So judge me all you want, but I'm gonna eat my feelings and bash on men until I drop, and it's gonna be great.

Why do we lie to ourselves? Just a question. I really don't know the answer. It just seems ridiculous because we know we're gonna have to face the facts eventually and yet we continue to tell ourselves that it's all peachy and we'll figure things out later. Stupid human nature, always trying to screw us over.

Yay depressing blog posts! This thing felt really good to write. The blog's kinda my outlet, you know? Everyone needs a way to express their feelings. Some people write poetry, some people do martial arts, and I pour out my soul to random people on the internet. It's very effective, I suggest you try it.

Genius words right here by one of my fantastic roommates:
"You can have your feelings and eat them too." --Liz

Peace out everyone. Stay classy.


  1. Rina I like this. Especially. The part of not pretending to be something you're not. Also, keep quoting me. I like it. :p

  2. Keep whipping out beautiful truths and I will keep quoting you :) thanks Liz!
