Monday, January 7, 2013

We are great.

Do you ever get down on yourself because you feel like you haven't made a big enough difference in the world or because you think no one cares about you? I'd like to tell you that that's ridiculous. Haven't you ever seen It's a Wonderful Life? That guy lived in a small town and ran a small business and made a small income, but look at the huge effect he had on people's lives! And you think that you can't have that same amount of influence? Well, think again.
I can guarantee you that when you were born your mother smiled. Because you were a cute little baby and you were hers. And now you've gotten bigger and uglier and maybe your mother doesn't smile at you anymore. She should. But even if she doesn't, there is someone who is smiling because He will never stop loving you. You're His, everyone in the world is His, and if you see someone that doesn't know that then smile at them so at least they know that one person cares.

I made a New Year's resolution. It's to be there for people more. Isn't there a song that says "everybody needs somebody to love"? Well, everybody needs somebody to love them back, too. And I want to be that person for somebody. First, I'm going to love myself. That's the hardest one because I know all my own faults, but I think the more you learn to love and forgive yourself, the more you can do the same for others.

Check out my sister and her husband at their wedding:

How much love must it take to pledge your life to another human being who is as sinful and flawed as you are? Yet we do it all the time, and most of the time it works out pretty swell. Isn't that beautiful? Humans are so great! Those two goons in the picture are probably the craziest people I've ever met, and their marriage is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can't wait until I find someone who can know every aspect of my character and still love me more than life itself.

It took me a while to decide whether or not I was even going to post this. It represents a lot of the things that have been weighing on my mind lately, and I just kind of let loose my thoughts without a lot of structure or organization. I hope it makes sense, but if not, that's okay. I'll still love you.

"Where there is love there is life." -- Ghandi

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