Thursday, December 13, 2012

And that's a wrap.

One semester down, 7+ to go. Yippee skip.
On an entirely different note,
I just found out I can write in different colors! Get pumped, everybody.
Okay, getting back to the end of the semester deal. So I've learned some things that I think will help me if I keep them in mind for the future, and I'd like to share them if that's okay. If it's not okay, that's okay too, because this is my blog, not yours. 
So here goes: 
  1.  Studying actually helps. (YOU GUYS. This was a big one for me! In high school you could get away with so much slacking and still pull off a good test score. This is not so in collegeland.) 
  2. Get a study buddy for, like, every class. This motivates you to actually work instead of browsing the internets and eating food all day. (BONUS: Studying with attractive members of the opposite sex gives extra motivation to meet more often!)
  3. Holy crap, there are a plethora of beautiful men here. But that doesn't mean they're all your future husband. Trust me.
  4. When you're an 18-year-old freshman living off campus at BYU with a bunch of people who are all years older than you, it's hard to not get marriage hungry. And then when you are unsuccessful in getting a man in the first couple of months, you can get down on yourself. This is one I'm still working on. So far, I'm as single as can be, and it's very disappointing. But don't worry because tonight, we are young, and I still have about 12 years until my celibacy becomes a cause for concern.  
Okay, I think I've hit the big ones.

On an entirely different note, GUESS WHAT. I'm going to Europe next summer. I get so excited I shake, and it's been really distracting this finals week. I have a job in Sweden with a friend of my mom's, and then I'll probably pop over to the country of my heritage, Finland, and maybe hit up France, and I might work in Germany and chill with our old foreign exchange student, Kathi! For someone whose only experience with going abroad is the exotic Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, this is a BIG step. I. Cannot. Wait.

And Christmas is coming soon! What a wonderful time of year. May yours be filled with love and chocolate and gratitude for the birth of a little baby boy who grew up to save the world. I hope you have loved ones to share this holiday with, and if not, you can come over to my house.

Hey. Thanks for reading this. You're doing a good thing.

“I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed.” -- Hermione Granger  

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

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