Monday, April 15, 2013

I Knew You Were Trouble

"Just a series of blurs, like I never occurred. Someday you will be loved." -- Death Cab

I was thinking about heartbreak and how much it sucks, and then I thought: Taylor Swift must have the worst life in the world-- assuming all her songs are actually based on real life experiences. She's been through all that? Crud. And then she tries to mend herself by writing songs, but instead of deriving happiness from her consequent fame, she gets a pile of empty money and a bunch of annoying people that want to know everything about her. And men that probably only date her so they can be immortalized by her next hit single. So let it be known: I do not envy Taylor Swift.

HA I bet you guys saw the title and the picture and read the first paragraph and figured I was gonna talk about love and other nasty things like that the whole time like I tend to do, but you thought wrong! Because really, life is not all about that, sillies.

You guys, I love my job. I love the people there. I love making delicious things that people enjoy. And I want the world to know!
For those who are not aware, I work at Cafe Zupas, which is a fairly young restaurant chain that sells delectable soups, salads, sandwiches, and desserts. It's a classy mix between fast food and sit down service restaurants. We're only in Utah and Arizona right now, but just you wait-- in a few years, we'll be everywhere! Get pumped.
Working in customer service has really helped me further realize how much I value the happiness and contentment of others. I feel so good when Zupas customers tell me how much they like the food or how great it is that everyone there is so happy all the time. I've even begun to think of making a career out of food service. I love the idea of having a little diner or bakery of my own. I mean, if I'm getting this much job satisfaction from being a line server on minimum wage, how wonderful would it be to own something where I could sell what I want and decorate how I want and know that I accomplished something? It sounds amazing to me. So, I dunno, maybe I'll major in business or something. What matters is I found something I'm passionate about, and that is a great feeling. In my opinion, if I spend all my time doing something I don't love, then no matter how much money I'm making, it's not worth it. Money is not the only reward that means something, yo.

I am so blessed. If there was a theme in my adult life thus far, I think it would be that no matter what happens, and no matter how terrible my situation may be, there's always hope. Life will always turn around, but we kinda have to let it. We're like children that don't know how to drive, but for some reason we cling to the steering wheel when really we just need to let go and let the big guy drive because He's the only one tall enough to see over the dashboard. Sunday in church we had a lesson about the Lord's timing, and it was exactly what I needed to hear. I just need to chill out. God knows what I want, and I gotta stop begging and start doing what He wants. That's it.
Over and out.


  1. You should run my bakery! Have I told you about that? I want it to be called "The Cookie Bar" and have chocolate milk taps and bar stools and live music.

  2. You should make German bread. I'd go.
