Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In every single way.

I need to talk about beauty, but I don't really know how. I don't want to repeat those cliche phrases, like, "We're all beautiful in some way," or, "It's what's inside that counts," but really, it's true. I cannot stress this enough.
Here is what I know: everyone is different. We have different personalities, different likes, and different dislikes.
Someone dislikes you. That is a fact. Maybe they think you're annoying, maybe they envy you, maybe they don't like the way you talk or look or sneeze or laugh or think or breathe. You can't live without offending someone. So get over it. You can't base your self-image on the opinions of others, because everyone has a different opinion about you. Everyone has a different opinion about everything and so just as you are inevitably disliked by someone, you are also inevitably loved by someone else. You are you, and someone loves that about you. Who, you ask? Here's a hint: most often, you're loved by the people you love. So the moral of that story is love more, and you will be more loved.
Okay, so maybe you're thinking, "Cool. I know I'm loved, my mommy tells me that every day. I don't have to be beautiful for my mother to love me. But what if I'm too ugly for someone to fall in love with me, like in a romantic way? What about that, Rina?"
Here's the thing. It all goes back to my bit about perspective and opinion. We all have 'em, and we all have 'em differ'nt. For example, I do not find Chris Hemsworth attractive, but I have a friend that positively drools over him. So just because one person or even a lot of people find you ugly, that does not mean everyone will. And the people that think you are aren't worth it. You. Are. Unique. You are not boring, you are not ugly. So stop it. Stop doubting yourself and just get out there and be you, because if there's one thing at which you're amazing, it's being yourself. You want to attract attention? Don't try to be like everyone else. Plain and simple.
I can go on about this for ages, you know. As it is, I have one last argument I'd like to present before I close up, perhaps the most critical of them all. And that is that you were created by a loving Heavenly Father who is perfect and never makes mistakes. He made you the way you are for a reason. Every time you degrade yourself, you're saying, "God, your work was not good enough." ...Are you for real? Do you really think you know better than an omniscient God?
I'm working on this, too. Of course I have self doubts. If I didn't, I would not be human. The thing is, we all have flaws. Everyone we love has flaws. Someone's gonna fall in love with you, not because you're perfect, but because you're perfect for them. So get out there and do your thing, and don't let nobody get you down.

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." -- Confucius (You can't argue with Confucius. So there.)

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful Rina. Go make someone happy now. I won't. Because, well I'm being me.
